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Congratulations to our Mineral Spa & Motorised Pergola Winner

Sun & Soul Spa Raffle Draw Congratulations to Joanne Taioroa our winner of the Mineral Spa and Pergola...

September 30, 2022

Not all mineral pools are created equally ....

A magnesium sanitised pool is wellness water for your body.  Every Cell in your body requires magnesium to function. A true freshwater mineral pool does not contain any sodium (salt) and is ideally run at mineral levels below 2,000ppm.How ppm works, the higher the ppm the more mineral (kg's) you will need to sanitize your pool,  (this is the measure of mineral content in your water).Most salt and mineral chlorinators available on the market run at levels of between 4,000ppm and up...

September 29, 2022

Hydroxinator iQ PRO

September 28, 2022


The experience of swimming in a mineral pool has been prized over the centuries, in part because it feels incredible, and for its health and wellness qualities. At the edge of this long history of mineral pools is MagnaPool®, an integrated system that transforms the humble pool into a mineral-rich swimming experience. Find out more below!...

September 28, 2022

AIS water chlorinators

September 17, 2022

bmh pool and spa covers NZ

We Supply & Install Reels, Spa & Pool Covers NZ Wide ( ...

September 17, 2022

Swimming Pool In-line Electrolysis Sanitation Brochure

Find out how the electrolysis of magnesium chloride mineral creates perfect sanitation for the ultimate and luxurious swimming experience....

September 17, 2022

EcoSprings Mineral Brochure


September 17, 2022

Ecoline Auto Chlorinator Brochure

This is the latest advanced technology domestic and semi commerical automatic dosing electrolysis chlorinator. This advanced piece of electrolysis technology has a built in auto timer with built in auto dosing and balancing of the pools PH level and magnesium chloride production....

September 17, 2022

Domestic Mineral Chlorination Brochure

Mineralchlor - The domestic mineral pool - electrolysis chlorinator. A state-of-the-art chlorination system, that is simple to operate with an electronic increase or decrease of the chlorination level, and a built-in autotimer. You set when your pool turns on and off for automatic sanitation and filtration....

September 17, 2022 Posts 1-10 of 10 | Page

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